Our soil is the foundation from which we build everything. It grows fruits, vegetables and grains for consumption. It grows trees for paper and building materials. It grows cotton and fiber crops for the clothes we wear. It grows the grass and commodities that our livestock eat which, in turn, we eat. You get the point. Do you want your tenderloin manufactured in a petri dish? Didn't think so. It is imperative that we reinvigorate our soils planet because it is the heartbeat of agriculture and life. Microbes are our past, present and future. SoilCare and BioSoil are a great step in the right direction for rejuvenation.
During this pandemic, we all got accustomed to the mask debates. One fact made was that wearing a mask forced people to breathe in carbon dioxide instead of pure oxygen, which can affect respiratory function. But while this debate is ongoing, we have a group of people demanding we rid the country of cows because they produce methane and greenhouse gas. True story. Yes, cows do burp and fart – so do humans. Will they try to dispose of us next? Researchers have found that Paenbacillus fortis has a positive effect in reducing methane emissions, but there is still much to learn and research is ongoing. Balancer2 and ReBoot contain a diversified population of beneficial bacteria to aid with bloating and intestinal gas build-up and if a side effect of our product is reducing the carbon output of animals you should see our reductions in antibiotics and increased feed conversion rates that are getting better returns on the increasing cost of feed.
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